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Books and Articles we believe are important

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The Stuff of Thought - Recommended Book

...In fairness to Mr. Einstein, his theory says that time is relative to the inertial frame in which it is measured, not that it is subjective. The human experience of time is, of course, subjective, and it speeds up or slows down depending on how demanding, varied, and pleasant an interval is...

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The Power of When - Recommended Book

...The subjects solved creative problems better during their non-optimal times, when they were tired and groggy. They solved analytical problems at their optimal times, when they were wide-awake and alert...

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Big Potential - Recommended Book

...when we help others become better, we can actually increase the available opportunities, instead of vying for them. Like the lightning bugs, once we learn to coordinate and collaborate with those around us, we all begin to shine brighter, both individually and as an ecosystem...

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The Flavor Equation - Recommended Book

...Flavor is much more than a distinctive smell or taste; it involves our emotions, and sometimes memories, intertwined with our sense of the sounds, colors, shapes, and textures of our food...

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Everybody Lies - Recommended Book

...The computer scientists found that a huge percentage of stories fit into one of six relatively simple structures. They are, borrowing a chart from Reagan’s team: Rags to Riches (rise) Riches to Rags (fall) Man in a Hole (fall, then rise) Icarus (rise, then fall) Cinderella (rise, then fall, then rise) Oedipus (fall, then rise, then fall)...

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