Zero to One - Recommended Book
...A startup is the largest group of people you can convince of a plan to build a different future...
...A startup is the largest group of people you can convince of a plan to build a different future...
...treat them as unique individuals not to be used, but rather to be appreciated and respected for their creativity and intelligence...
...Once you identify the people who have the biggest impact, give them more to do...
...Our job is to make the results that we need to achieve so clear to everyone in this room that no one would even consider doing something purely to enhance his or her individual status or ego. Because that would diminish our ability to achieve our collective goals. We would all lose...
...Progress is often made through one’s willingness to persist at the small activities that no one else sees, but that truly generate results. The small battles, when properly defined, eventually lead to victory...
...When the path reveals itself, follow it...
...Since each goal can be read in about a minute, we are encouraged to take a moment every now and then to look at what we're doing and see if it matches our goals...
...Must is who we are, what we believe,and what we do when we are alone with our truest, most authentic self. It's that which calls to us most deeply. It's our convictions, our passions, our deepest held urges and desires - unavoidable, undeniable, and inexplicable. Unlike Should, Must doesn't accept compromises...
...You can dramatically accelerate your transition into your new role. Do the right things – the essential transition tasks listed next – and you will rapidly create momentum that will propel you to even greater successes...
...We tend to believe that chance has a way of evening things out. If a coin has landed on tails eight times, the next one must be heads. It's hard for us to wrap our heads around the fact that probability doesn't care about timing; doesn't care about what we think, and doesn't care about what came before. Each event is entirely independent of the one before, and will in no way affect the one after. Still, the gambler insists that the next one will be the lucky winner...
...Awareness. Acceptance. Letting go of comparisons. Compassion. Appreciation. Loving yourself, and everything else too...
...The Need to be Selective – For this reason, and perhaps more than ever before, your ability to select your most important task at each moment, and then to get started on that task and to get it done both quickly and well, will probably have more of an impact on your success than any other quality of skill you can develop...
...'The stockbroker services his clients in the same way that Bonnie and Clyde serviced banks.' - William Bernstein...
...As Dwight D. Eisenhower put it, 'In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.'...
...It doesn’t matter how much you plan, you’ll still get some stuff wrong anyway. Don’t make things worse by overanalyzing and delaying before you even get going. Long projects zap morale. The longer it takes to develop, the less likely it is to launch. Make the call, make progress, and get something out now – while you’ve got the motivation and momentum to do so...