The A.R.E. skills matter more than ever
...Perhaps this is what your team needs from you...
...Perhaps this is what your team needs from you...
...We make hundreds of decisions every single day. With that in mind, even a small upgrade to your decision-making skills will create a staggering difference in your long-term trajectory. And yet, most people don’t bother building those skills...
...A mathematician on how to get the mind into motion...
...To get what you want, deserve what you want. Trust, success, and admiration are earned...
...They will reach judgments, with the benefit of hindsight, about the wisdom and maturity with which our nation handled the challenge of this particular pandemic. Odds are, not all those judgments will be favorable. Time will tell...
... Heart rate is a key marker of cardiovascular activity and an important vital sign. But your pulse is not as steady as a precision clock – nor would you want it to be...
...Without further ado, here's the life advice everyone needs to hear...
...One bad habit of being a productivity nerd is trying to optimise every moment for usefulness...
...People who engage in random acts of kindness may not fully recognize the impact of their behavior on others...
...Our habit is to compare top speed, horsepower, short-term returns and status. In every field, not just cars...
...They don't have to make all the same financial mistakes we made...
...The solution to my writer’s block that day was not to write at all. It was to stop for the day and go research the topic more. It was to go for a run and a walk. It was to do the prep work...
...“Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard.”...
...If you’re anything like me, you always think about the risks that are involved with making a big move in life. And that’s not a surprise. We’re collectively risk-averse. We truly hate risk. I’ve never met someone who said, “I love to lose everything!”...
...“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless, yet be determined to make them otherwise.”...
...Despite years of evidence that starting school later promotes better health and improved grades, too few schools have adopted this measure...
...Now, I’ve recognized that life is always changing and to stop viewing it as a linear path, but instead a continuous series of experiments. There is no longer an end-goal, other than the constant pursuit of learning and minimization of regret...
...Yup, I was rewarded for surfing more strategically. And for being lazy...
...Because my routines were so optimized, if I was off just a little on the timing, it would throw the entire schedule into disarray...
...Turning 50 can be the time of your life – but it also means adapting to new challenges...