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Books and Articles we believe are important

The days are long but the decades are short

...Do new things often. This seems to be really important. Not only does doing new things seem to slow down the perception of time, increase happiness, and keep life interesting, but it seems to prevent people from calcifying in the ways that they think...

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The Riddle of Boredom

...Directed desires give us a path to drive on, but once we reach the goalpost, a sense of aimlessness befalls us. We realize that the “promised land” is actually just a starting point for another journey, but oftentimes we’re unsure of what the next destination is...

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You’re Only As Good As Your Worst Day

...You’re only as good as your worst day. Not because what you do the rest of the time doesn’t matter. Not because you should be expected to be perfect under immense stress or to behave according to plan when everything goes awry. But because what you do on your worst day is impossible to fake. It’s honest signaling....

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Mental Models for Career Changes

...Career changes are some of the biggest moves we will ever make, but they don’t have to be daunting. Using mental models helps us find both the direction we want to go and a path we can take to get there. The result is a change that aligns with the person we are, as well as the person we want to be...

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Early Work

...We just don't have enough experience with early versions of ambitious projects to know how to respond to them. We judge them as we would judge more finished work, or less ambitious projects. We don't realize they're a special case...

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The high-return activity of raising others’ aspirations

...At critical moments in time, you can raise the aspirations of other people significantly, especially when they are relatively young, simply by suggesting they do something better or more ambitious than what they might have in mind. It costs you relatively little to do this, but the benefit to them, and to the broader world, may be enormous...

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Learning Through Play

...Play is an essential way of learning about the world. Doing things we enjoy without a goal in mind leads us to find new information, better understand our own capabilities, and find unexpected beauty around us...

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Meetings Would Go Faster If People Took the Time to Listen

...First, make sure you understand what’s being said. Give your counterpart your full attention, and truly digest what they have to say. Next, interpret what’s been said. What does this mean, based on the purpose of your discussion, what the speaker cares most about, or what’s been said before? Third, verify what’s been said. Don’t assume you understand; confirm what was said by paraphrasing what you think you heard. Finally, consider how your point of view relates to what’s been said...

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Fill before empty

...When the cost of topping off your battery is less than the catastrophic risk of running out of juice, it pays to add to your reserves...

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