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Books and Articles we believe are important

Being Smart is Not Enough

...Know that it’s the Geniuses who innovate, but it’s the Butterflies who spread that innovation around. Both components are required for successfully implementing new, brilliant ideas...

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Making a difference (making a point)

...Change comes about when the story the other person tells themselves begins to change. If all you do is make a point, you’ve handed them a story about yourself. When you make a change, you’ve helped them embrace a new story about themselves...

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High Leverage Time Management

...Use routines (and speed) to reduce cognitive load...Run High Leverage Meetings...Delegate & Say No...Constantly Recalibrate Your Focus...Adjust Time Management Techniques As You Scale...Prioritize Your Own Health & Learning...Communication Habits Are The Key...

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The two train illusion

...Whether or not we commit to movement, the world never stays precisely as it was. Insisting that it does is simply a waste of time and a source of frustration...

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Redefining Success So It Doesn’t Crush Your Soul

...This new definition of success might mean not taking the promotion that offers a better title and salary; not buying an expensive car because your neighbors have one; not going on the fancy (but probably stressful) vacation because it’s what you’re supposed to do. Success is about stepping back and asking yourself What do I really want? And then doing what you can to align your actions—the unfolding process of your life—with how you answer. It is in this way that you own success, and not just figuratively, but literally, too. It is how you make success yours...

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Make the sign bigger!

...Insisting on a bigger interruption is lazy. It’s lazy because if you really cared about solving the problem, you’d change the situation, not yell about it. If you get the design right, you can whisper instead...

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Narrative and feelings

...We like to think we make complicated decisions based on rational analysis, but most of the time, we actually make an emotional decision and then invent a rational analysis to justify it...

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Forgive and be free

...Forgiveness, of others and one’s self, can be a powerful, life-altering process. It can change the trajectory of a relationship or even one’s life. It is not the only response one can make to being hurt or hurting others, but it is an effective way to manage the inevitable moments of conflict, disappointment, and pain in our lives...

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The Virtue of Delayed Gratification

[Ed. note - bad language ahead]...it’s only rational to delay gratification if and only if you believe you will receive that long-term reward. When you’re unsure of getting the results you’re holding out for, it can be rational to not wait and instead indulge. In these cases, immediate gratification isn’t so much a failure of willpower, it can also be a calculated choice...

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How to stop overthinking

...Persistent overthinking in the form of worry and rumination can result in a wide range of symptoms such as insomnia, trouble concentrating and loss of energy which, in turn, often lead to further worries regarding one’s symptoms, thereby creating a vicious cycle of overthinking...

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