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Books and Articles we believe are important

Knowledge Debt

...You should, intentionally and tactically, decide which piece of information you can do without, for now. But you should also, intentionally and strategically, decide when to pay back that debt...

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Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation

...As we grow older, we tend to feel like the previous decade elapsed more rapidly, while the earlier decades of our lives seem to have lasted longer. Similarly, we tend to think of events that took place in the past 10 years as having happened more recently than they actually did. Conversely, we perceive events that took place more than a decade ago as having happened even longer ago...

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Are You Dreaming Too Big?

...Setting short-term, realistic goals has been shown to start a reinforcing mechanism of success and happiness, provided these goals fit with our values and aren’t imposed on us by others...

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What You Truly Value

...All change brings opportunity. Some change gives us the opportunity to pause and ask what we can do better. How can we better connect to what has proven to be important? Connection is not an abstract intellectual exercise, but an experience that orients us to the values that provide us direction. If you look for opportunities in line with your values, you will be able to see a path through the fear and uncertainty guided by the light that is hope...

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How to Read More

...There is no good life without study and practice and wisdom. Don’t find the time. Make the time. You’re not too busy...

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The Feynman Learning Technique

...When you really learn something, you give yourself a tool to use for the rest of your life. The more you know, the fewer surprises you will encounter, because most new things will connect to something you already understand...

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A Simple Compliment Can Make a Big Difference

...There is ample evidence that giving someone else a boost, whether giving compliments or expressing gratitude, has a mood-lifting effect and contributes to well-being. This means that everyone benefits — givers and receivers alike...

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

...Quite simply, each new innovation or idea opens up the possibility of additional innovations and ideas. At any time, there are limits to what is possible, yet those limits are constantly expanding...

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