Why Success Doesn’t Lead to Satisfaction
...If you really want lasting satisfaction in life, you’ll need to relearn your approach to finding it...
...If you really want lasting satisfaction in life, you’ll need to relearn your approach to finding it...
...it’s in our nature to restlessly strive for something, the only way to be happy is to feed that nature what it wants...
...Ever since there has been high school, there has been the instinct to read the Cliffs Notes. The internet took this idea, added a gratuitous semicolon and perfected Too Long; Didn’t Read...
...Outside of popular anecdotes and social media stories, there is little evidence that a single, defined “purpose” is necessary for a rewarding career...
...Here are 15 tips that helped me do just that...
...Once you’ve formed a belief, adding exceptions and justifications becomes easier than updating it...
...From mastering whipped cream to learning a better way to crack an egg, here are 91 ways you can feel more comfortable and confident in the kitchen...
...Creating the conditions for success is a very different project than finding a heroic move that saves the day...
...Rhythmic activity during sleep may get fluids in the brain moving...
...While some may cringe at forced corporate rituals, research shows that personal and team rituals can actually benefit the way we work...
...There’s no such thing as work life balance. There’s simply life. And you spend part of your life at work...
...Happiness is a paradoxical goal. We all want to be happy, yet we often fail spectacularly at predicting what will make us happy...
...Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you...
...Just picture the freedom that would come with not wanting to buy stuff and being content with what you have. So much so, that you would find joy in noticing all the things you didn’t want...
...Leaders are experiencing extreme demands for compassion at a time when there’s no room for compromising on outcomes. As a result, many leaders have fallen into the trap of thinking in terms of a binary choice between compassion or performance...
...As you’ve no doubt found from your own experience, the “We can have it all” mindset fails frequently as we repeatedly come up short trying to be the best at everything...
...Unreasonable expectations are the ultimate joy killer...
...What I learned from Michael Easter’s excellent book is how our bodies are programmed to be pushed. We were made to struggle, to be uncomfortable, to do hard things beyond our perceived capabilities. When we do, our potential expands. The boundaries we thought existed before stretch out like an expanding empire...
...How big a swing do we need to make it feel like it matters?...
...I look at the concept of willpower as mental energy. Whenever you want to do something, you need to dedicate energy to that. Whether you can follow through on your intention or not depends on willpower...