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Books and Articles we believe are important

You Will Not Eat Enough Fiber Today

...“Our microbes turn around and reward us when we feed them fiber. They create short-chain fatty acids, which optimize our immune systems. [But] 97% of Americans are not getting adequate supply of fiber in their diet. And that’s creating issues for us"...

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Caramelized Five-Onion Dip

...A mix of five different alliums—shallots, scallions, and sweet, yellow, and red onions—upgrades this classic caramelized onion dip with layers of flavor...

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Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution - Recommended Book

...like it or not, your genes have constructed you to achieve three main goals: 1. Deliver genes into the future by reproducing. 2. Ensure the survival of your genetic copies or other similar copies. 3. After accomplishing #1 and #2, get out of the way so you don’t compete for limited resources with your offspring...

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How to Prevent Ice Dams From Ruining Your Roof

...Ice dams are the result of a freeze-and-thaw cycle when there’s snow on your roof, and they suck. They can cause damage to your roof and gutters, and in the worst scenarios they can even damage your home’s structure. But there are things you can (and should) do to prevent and mitigate ice dams...

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Ham and Bean Stew

...You only need five ingredients to fix this thick and flavorful stew. It's so easy to make and always a favorite with my family. I top bowls of it with a sprinkling of shredded cheese...

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Appealing a Financial Aid Award

...There’s no harm in appealing: any college that has admitted your student wants them to attend, and asking for more money won’t change that. Your odds of success will be better if you understand both the type of aid you’re being offered and the process for appealing...

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