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Books and Articles we believe are important

Beyond Smart

...I grew up thinking that being smart was the thing most to be desired. Perhaps you did too. But I bet it's not what you really want. Imagine you had a choice between being really smart but discovering nothing new, and being less smart but discovering lots of new ideas...

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Must-Have Qualities for Effective Leadership

...As I reflect on my evolution in leadership, I can’t help but think of the early days; back when I had “no clue what I was doing”. What stands out is the troublesome perception of leadership that I started with, extracted from pattern-matching the “leaders of our day”...

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Chatter - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Chatter - Recommended Book

...Chatter consists of the cyclical negative thoughts and emotions that turn our singular capacity for introspection into a curse rather than a blessing. It puts our performance, decision making, relationships, happiness, and health in jeopardy. We think about that screwup at work or misunderstanding with a loved one and end up flooded by how bad we feel. Then we think about it again. And again. We introspect hoping to tap into our inner coach but find our inner critic instead...

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The errors of efficiency

...Instead of focussing on making our work bigger, we focus on making it work harder. Instead of aiming to maximise our impact, we aim to minimise our waste...

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Values, Money, Ego, and Capabilities

...Regardless of how the options may change, the effectiveness of this framework and exercise seems to endure. I hope you leverage this approach for yourself and to talk through career or work moves with your team, your leader, your friends - anyone who is looking for some structure in their thinking...

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The Trouble with Optionality

...When you hold an option and the world moves with you, you enjoy the benefits; when the world moves against you, you are shielded from the bad outcome since you are not obligated to do anything. Optionality is the state of enjoying possibilities without being on the hook to do anything...

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Crispy Dill Tilapia

...Every week I try to serve a new healthy fish. With its fresh dill and delicious panko bread crumb herb crust, this dish with mild tilapia is a winner...

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