My Ultimate Guide to Public Speaking
...I think public speaking is one of the most important skills that anyone can develop. It’s a superpower, a professional and personal cheat code...
...I think public speaking is one of the most important skills that anyone can develop. It’s a superpower, a professional and personal cheat code...
...we can develop competence just as well by subtracting. The problem is that it can be harder to show competence by subtracting. No matter how beneficial an act of subtraction is, it’s not likely to leave as much evidence of what we’ve done...
...The most important things can’t be taught, they must be learned. Just because you can’t be taught what you need doesn’t mean you can absolve yourself from learning. You can learn the principles but you can’t learn the patience. You can copy the answer but not the understanding and confidence. These you need to learn on your own...
...Our readers have had success adding seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, and hamburger seasoning as well as diced onions, green or red bell peppers, and fresh garlic. Red pepper flakes or jalapeno would make a great addition as well for some heat...
...One bird at the head of the flock can lead 100 others if they’re enrolled in the journey...
...This introduction to six key concepts are critical building blocks for developing a detailed perspective of how the world works from a systems perspective and will enhance your ability to think divergently and creatively for a positive impact...
...We tend to think of serendipity as something that just happens to us, when actually it’s a process of spotting and connecting the dots, to see bridges where others see gaps. ‘Smart luck’ or serendipity is about creating meaningful accidents – and making accidents meaningful...
...There’s nothing wrong with hoping for the best. But the best-case scenario is rarely the one that comes to pass. Being realistic about what is likely to happen positions you for a range of possible outcomes and gives you peace of mind...
...Our yearning for certainty leads us to pursue seemingly safe solutions But it’s only when we sacrifice the certainty of answers, when we take our training wheels off, and when we dare to wander away from the street lamps that breakthroughs happen. If you stick to the familiar, you won’t find the unexpected. Those who get ahead in this century will dance with the great unknown and find danger, rather than comfort, in the status quo...
...When big ideas show up, almost no one sees what’s possible. All they notice is that change is risky and new stuff might not work...
...breadcrumbs on top are a must if you want a crispy layer...
...I think the way to "solve" the problem of procrastination is to let delight pull you instead of making a to-do list push you. Work on an ambitious project you really enjoy, and sail as close to the wind as you can, and you'll leave the right things undone...
...What’s your secret to writing so many books? The answer is that I have a system, a process that helps me be productive. It’s not my system exactly, as I’ve taken many strategies from the greatest writers to ever do it...
...A good password manager stores, generates, and updates passwords for you with the press of a button. If you're willing to spend a few dollars a month, a password manager can sync your passwords across all your devices...
...How to escape the trappings of more and figure out what enough means for your life...
...Having a purpose simply means knowing why you’re gathering and doing your participants the honor of being convened for a reason...
...Focus on questions, not answers, for breakthrough insights...
...You can’t beat the flavor combination of sweet cornbread casserole and creamy, tender chicken. Add some butter, sour cream and cheddar cheese to the mix...
...A paradox is defined as a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true...
...Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away...