Full circle with myopia
...He stood up to throw me out of his office. “Well, so much for that,” I thought...
...He stood up to throw me out of his office. “Well, so much for that,” I thought...
...What does Iron Maiden have to do with Stoic philosophy? Nothing really, but this is my newsletter and it’s what I want to talk about...
...Each year, thousands of executives retire from long and successful corporate careers. But few are prepared for the journey they are about to embark on...
...When your kid marries, you not only gain another family member, you gain a new role: father-in-law...
...Humans simply tend to want what they don’t have. That’s why many people fall for this thinking flaw...
...There are three kinds of costs that people get confused about, but understanding them, really understanding them–in your bones–unlocks opportunity...
...Below you’ll find a list of 101 simple pleasures that we often overlook or take for granted...
...Think about it. How does a man like Darwin come up with such a theory?...
...Do your friends sometimes disappoint you? Ever feel like there is something missing in your relationships? You’re not alone...
...By definition, good enough is good enough...
...Think about it. While training wheels or a tricycle might stabilize a rider, neither allow a kid to equalize their weight on a bike...
...Look, life is never easy. It’s so common to feel stuck and aimless, especially when things aren’t going your way, like having a bad day at work or simply feeling unmotivated...
...We’re going to make you a better cook without actually discussing cooking. We’re going to learn about gastrophysics (yes, that’s a real thing...
...Smart leaders build for resilience instead...
...New research reveals the growing importance of emotional intelligence in shaping educational outcomes...
...A guide to filling out the federal financial aid form for the upcoming school year...
...Celebrate the miraculous mistakes that led you to this moment...
...We might have it backwards...
...It wasn’t exactly a nervous breakdown, but it was something close...
...Our obsession with staying informed often backfires...