100 Little Ideas
...A list of ideas, in no particular order and from different fields, that help explain how the world works...
...A list of ideas, in no particular order and from different fields, that help explain how the world works...
...We often focus on trying to be brilliant, yet many great people get far more mileage out of avoiding making stupid mistakes. Amateurs win the game when their opponent loses points, experts win the game by gaining points...
...New cars these days have better safety features and more tech gizmos than models from a decade ago. And let's face it, trading in a beat-up clunker with grimy seats is an enticing idea...
...The most successful people are intentional about the things they do every day which set them up for productivity. They understand that achieving great things doesn't happen on its own. It's because the quality of your life is directly proportionate to your habits. Here are the ones more than dozens of executives rely on to get ahead in business and life...
...Her suggestions are centered around empathy, active listening, validating, and celebrating the person you choose to spend your life with, through thick and thin...
...Of course, we all have moments when we’re alone and something suddenly clicks. We’d do well to remember, though, that in those moments, we are not as independent as we like to think. The people we surround ourselves with matter...
...Focus on making the best product possible. That's it...
...Figuring out where to put dishes is fairly intuitive, but there are many nuances to loading a dishwasher so that everything comes out as clean as possible. Below are some common mistakes to avoid...
...How can we create an environment that fosters better, often non-obvious, decisions...
...if you want to stay motivated in the face of underdog expectations, you need to think about why those expectations aren’t credible...
...Maybe the more straightforward recommendation is not to move to where there’s more green, but where you are, increase and support more green-ness around your home...
...The findings have implications for neurodegenerative diseases, which are thought to be caused by build-up of toxic proteins in the brain, such as amyloid-Beta in Alzheimer’s disease. Previous research has shown that amyloid-Beta is cleared more efficiently during sleep, which is often disrupted in patients. Disturbances in slow-wave sleep also often accompany aging, which may be linked to cognitive decline...
...Coined by Cyril Northcote Parkinson as part of an essay published in The Economist in 1955, Parkinson’s law is the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” While it was initially designed as a mathematical equation describing the rate at which bureaucracies expand over time, Parkinson’s Law can be applied to many areas, including the way you work...
...Life can be improved by adding, or by subtracting. The world pushes us to add, because that benefits them. But the secret is to focus on subtracting...
...It’s an important question, one that helps you understand if you have standards and a vision in mind...
...We found there was a large effect, people's preferences shifted dramatically from the long to short term when hungry...
...most of what children learn isn’t taught explicitly. It’s much easier to raise a better child after you’ve put in the time to be a better you...
...People who have chosen to be high performers. Doctors, athletes, programmers and leaders who choose to make a ruckus understand that continuous learning is at the heart of what they’ll need to do...
...When we consume information that doesn’t expire or expires slowly; is very detailed; and we spend time thinking about it not passing the buck, we can match patterns. This is how you learn to see what other people are missing. The longer you do this, the more advantage you get...
...A brief reminder that those thoughts in your head aren’t always accurate and don’t have to be obeyed can affect us powerfully. It changes our relationship with the Inner Critic. We can more easily ignore it and do what we set out to do — even when it hurts...