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Books and Articles we believe are important

Your Response to Mistakes Defines You

...Mistakes are bad, no doubt, but not learning from them is worse. The key to learning from mistakes is to admit them without excuses or defensiveness, rub your nose in them a little, and make the changes you need to make to grow going forward. If you can’t admit your mistakes, you won’t grow...

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On Productivity

My philosophy for achieving this goal can be reduced to three simple rules: Do fewer things. Do them better. Know why you’re doing them.

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Do Something Syndrome

...Doing something isn’t the same as getting results. The problem is we convince ourselves that our only options are to do something or do nothing. We forget the third option, gathering more information...

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Toward perfect

...It’s foolish to wait until you’ve made something that’s perfect, because you never will. The alternative is to continue to move toward your imaginary ideal, shipping as you iterate...

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Danny Kahneman on how we’re so wrong about happiness

...So what is happiness? Kahneman believes that the answer lies in the tension between “what I experience” versus “what I remember.” And this conundrum shows up in many of our existential re-framings: should we live in the moment or delay gratification, focus on the process vs. the outcome, or the journey vs. the destination?...

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The Lies We Tell

...We make up stories in our minds and then against all evidence, defend them tooth and nail. Understanding why we do this is the key to discovering truth and making wiser decisions...

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