There Is No Perfect (or Permanent) Financial Plan
...Our goal shouldn’t be to pursue perfection in our decision making, but to get really good at knowing when we need to make a change...
...Our goal shouldn’t be to pursue perfection in our decision making, but to get really good at knowing when we need to make a change...
...I stopped thrashing and fighting, and started gliding and enjoying the swim...
The legislation requires manufacturers like Google and Apple to include theft-deterring software. Most of it is packaged in the form of activation locks and remote device erasure software. It’s already in your phone, and it’s incredibly easy to make sure it’s actually on.
...Want to work smarter, not harder? Learn from the best...
...Use these small tricks to become a more efficient worker...
“Why worry about things you can’t control when you can keep yourself busy controlling the things that depend on you?” ~Unknown
...Asking yourself these questions in busy times will help you stay focused, humble, and on target...
...Most importantly, those who become successful initiate...
...As a leader, if you lack focus, you'll eventually destroy your business. These 6 tips will help you keep on task...
...For all Type-A driven readers — especially those who struggle with the shut-off switch — this one is for you…
...While some factors that affect happiness might be outside of our control (such as genetics or certain life circumstances), there are always actions we can take to amp up our own good feelings...
...power laws — a relationship between two things in which a change in one thing can lead to a large change in the other, regardless of the initial quantities...
...Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ...
...Which means that those dozen or so things must be pretty damn important… and more importantly, they work...
...I firmly believe that meta-learning, i.e. learning how to learn, is arguably one of the most important skills in the 21st century...
...Relentlessly prune (BS), don't wait to do things that matter, and savor the time you have. That's what you do when life is short...
...I came across The Five Elements of Effective Thinking, authored by Dr. Edward B. Burger and Dr. Michael Starbird, which presents some practical ways for us to improve our thinking...
...There’s no way to stop your Echo or Google Home from recording your requests—the devices themselves don’t have the information you need, so they have to record your voice to process your commands in the cloud—but you can at least do a regular clean-up...
...The bad news is that all companies-including your own--are vulnerable to predictable surprises...
Why is it that some people seem to be able to read a book once and remember every detail of it for life, while others struggle to recall even the title a few days after putting down a book?