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Books and Articles we believe are important

Survival of the Richest - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Survival of the Richest - Recommended Book

...further research has suggested that after people have gained power, they tend to behave like patients with damage to the brain’s orbitofrontal lobes. That is, the experience of wealth and power is akin to removing the part of the brain “critical to empathy and socially appropriate behavior.”...

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The default effect: why we renounce our ability to choose

...Why is it that we like having choices, but we don’t like choosing? Being able to decide between several options makes us feel in control. Yet, we tend to exhibit a preference for the default option when presented with a selection of choices. This is called the default effect, and it rules many aspects of our lives from the products we buy to the career we build...

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Maximizing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Tax Benefits With Adult Children Under Age 26

...Ultimately, the key point is that because children are now allowed to remain on their parents’ health insurance plan until age 26, non-dependent children covered under a family HDHP may be eligible to contribute to their own HSAs. And as HSAs offer significant tax advantages, advisors can help clients ensure that opting for family HDHP makes sense financially for the family as a whole!...

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Permission To Suck

...Think back to when you started anything that you became good at. How much of a challenge was it? How much did you struggle? How many times did you fail?...

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Badass Habits - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Badass Habits - Recommended Book

...When it comes to building great habits and ditching lazy ones, your commitment to staying focused on who you’re becoming regardless of where you are/who you are right now is the mightiest power you’ve got...

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