A Lesson in Friendship
...friendship is more than being there for your friends, it’s also allowing your friends to be there for you...
...friendship is more than being there for your friends, it’s also allowing your friends to be there for you...
...Chop wood, carry water. Anchor up. “Yes, and.” Ignore the parts you can’t control...
...It turns out, any walk outdoors has the potential to unlock our brains...
...A sweet mac & cheese made with cream cheese, blueberries and vanilla, it’s a sweet take on a classic comfort food...
...Disruptive technologies are dismissed as toys because when they are first launched they “undershoot” user needs...
...In fact, we each have a limited number of tickets to trade in. Limited time, limited opportunities, limited money and other resources....
...Good decision-makers understand a simple truth: you can’t make good decisions without good thinking, and good thinking requires time. You can pay the price now or later. The time to get it right is less than the time to correct the mistake...
...A child’s life should be good, not easy...
...Delay is the greatest remedy for anger. Ask of your anger, at the outset, not to grant forgiveness but to exercise judgment. Its first impulses are harsh ones; it will relent if it waits. And don’t try to get rid of it all at once; it will be wholly defeated if it is carved away by pieces...
...There are many things in life that cannot be improved with greater effort. Sometimes, life requires that you step back...
...The Tagliatelle cake is best one or two days after baking...
...But before you start daydreaming about fancy cars and beach vacations, make sure you have your longterm ducks in a row with these ten financial tips (Ed Note - discuss with your advisor if the following are applicable in your situation)...
...We should probably let go of the idea that doing math is about getting the right answer. Being creative is never about getting to a destination...
...A 98% chance is dramatically different than a 100% certainty...
...Resist the urge to multitask...
...The what is mere habit. It’s an idea that makes sense until it doesn’t. The what can fly away in the wind. But the why? The why is drilled into the ground...
...For all intents and purposes, a plane cannot be flipped upside-down, thrown into a tailspin, or otherwise flung from the sky by even the mightiest gust or air pocket...
...All of the ingredients for this recipe are likely to be in your kitchen already, so you can make this dessert at any time...
...Describing something with accuracy forces you to learn more about it. In this way, description can be a tool for learning...
...Humans are programmed to think we’re right at all costs. Fighting that instinct will set you free...