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Books and Articles we believe are important

Time Management Won’t Save You

...A better approach is to reduce the number of tasks we take on in the first place, institute concrete principles for deciding what categories of things you won’t do, and create structures such as instituting a day when no meetings will be held...

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Triggers - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Triggers - Recommended Book

...That’s what makes adult behavioral change so hard. If you want to be a better partner at home or a better manager at work, you not only have to change your ways, you have to get some buy-in from your partner or co-workers. Everyone around you has to recognize that you’re changing. Relying on other people increases the degree of difficulty exponentially...

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Seizing The Middle: Chess Strategy in Business

...To control the game, one tries to control as much of the board as possible. At the outset, using your pieces to seize the middle of the playing field is a great strategy, because it gives you the widest possible vantage point from which to control the movement of the other pieces...

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