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Books and Articles we believe are important

The Flavor Equation - Recommended Book Thumbnail

The Flavor Equation - Recommended Book

...Flavor is much more than a distinctive smell or taste; it involves our emotions, and sometimes memories, intertwined with our sense of the sounds, colors, shapes, and textures of our food...

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Our Favorite Buttery Herb Stuffing

...The edges are golden and crunchy, the inside is soft. It’s wildly flavorful and buttery and filled with herbs and most importantly, a delicious neutral flavor that truly goes with any meal...

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Everything costs

...There are three kinds of costs that people get confused about, but understanding them, really understanding them–in your bones–unlocks opportunity...

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Everybody Lies - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Everybody Lies - Recommended Book

...The computer scientists found that a huge percentage of stories fit into one of six relatively simple structures. They are, borrowing a chart from Reagan’s team: Rags to Riches (rise) Riches to Rags (fall) Man in a Hole (fall, then rise) Icarus (rise, then fall) Cinderella (rise, then fall, then rise) Oedipus (fall, then rise, then fall)...

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