An Evidence-Based Approach to Goal Setting and Behavior Change
...Successful goal attainment and behavior change are possible, but leaning exclusively on willpower and determination isn’t likely to get the job done...
...Successful goal attainment and behavior change are possible, but leaning exclusively on willpower and determination isn’t likely to get the job done...
...The Ten Commandments that, as a teacher, I should wish to promulgate, might be set forth as follows...
...Your Gmail can be used over and over again, with no one the wiser...
...the risk we should most fear is not the risk we easily imagine. It is the risk that we don’t...
...But then, often, a human being shows up with something that ‘everyone’ says isn’t going to work, and the game is reset...
...Whether it's a protein, grain, Buddha, or veggie bowl, you'll need these tips to make a great one...
...What do people value in life? How much of what gives people satisfaction in their lives is fundamental and shared across cultures, and how much is unique to a given society?...
...If everyone has the same number of hours in the day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others? We’ve heard all the platitudes about everyone having the same 24 hours and time being a finite resource...
...This may seem like an obvious rubric for making a where-to-live decision, but in practice, people very often make their moving choices based on things that seem salient in their minds, but will, in fact, have a minimal impact on their overall satisfaction..
...Here are five stories from five different people that reveal the mindsets of the most successful among us...
...The simple questions in business are binary. Their answer is either yes or no. The trap is believing that all answers are binary. The answer to any question is actually a series of moves deployed in the proper sequence...
...After a swim, everything is better...
...This one-step technique simplifies the tedious traditional method...
...Don't click the link—the IRS won't ever text or email you...
...Inbox anxiety is no joke. And it always creeps up at the most inopportune moments...
...For thirty years, texting has been a powerful medium. It’s the thing that vibrates in our pocket. It promises something urgent, and a reply that’s demanded equally urgently...
...Time is slippery. Don't waste yours...
...Although EIPs may be plenty smart, they avoid self-reflection. Self-justifying and often self-righteous, they rarely question themselves. They focus on their immediate emotions and desires, seemingly oblivious to how they’re impacting others or even their own future...
...It’s almost impossible to remove a screw with your bare hands, but easy with a screwdriver...
...The secret to this easy chicken tenders recipe lies in the tangy lemon-and-garlic drizzle that picks up the savory flavors left in the pan from pan-searing...