8 Little-Known Facts About RMDs
...Understand the rules and common misconceptions about who needs to take required minimum distributions, when to take them, and how to efficiently manage them...
...Understand the rules and common misconceptions about who needs to take required minimum distributions, when to take them, and how to efficiently manage them...
...Williams recognized that waiting for a pitch in his sweet spot significantly increased his chances of getting a hit. Being patient and waiting for the right opportunity, offered a 40% hit rate...
...The best diet is the one you don’t know you’re on...
...Whether from public speaking or just having a heart-to-heart, life is full of these types of conversations...
...From summer produce starters to frozen desserts, these recipes are worthy of a holiday weekend celebration...
...many Americans now enter marriage after being self-reliant for several years, including managing their own money. Will they be eager to change that once they get married? Don’t count on it...
...The best time management actually begins at the end...
...Massive leaps in utility and quality are extraordinary events...
...Tap into the power of nonjudgmental noticing...
...Things that never change are important because you can put so much confidence into knowing how they’ll shape the future...
...Pay more attention to people who are just a little bit ahead of you...
...Keep your house cool and turn off that oven!..
...A tactical, step-by-step guide on how to delegate effectively as a leader...
...Want a job, grads? It’s time to look at more than just your degree...
...We can agree that Isaac Newton didn’t invent gravity. It was here all along, but he gets some credit for naming it and describing it...
...Understand your goals so you know which guidelines can (and can’t) help you achieve them...
Ed. Note - I swam with / competed against the author Mark Tewksbury
...Saying yes to something small can easily lead to unintended consequences...
...These flatbreads with roasted red pepper sauce feature a luscious bell pepper sauce, olives, and fontina cheese, and are the ideal summer dinner...
...a recent survey showed that only about half of American adults have heard of 529s...