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Books and Articles we believe are important

The Pyramid Principle

...Many times, we only had a few minutes to communicate that recommendation — then, if the executive was interested in digging deeper, we could present more details...

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Are New Graduates Happier Making More Money or Having More Time?

...Decisions about time and money are present in all of our lives. Sometimes we cannot choose our priorities; we might need to choose the better-paying job and sacrifice having more time to socialize with our friends and family. Society needs to work harder to make us all feel like we have the choice to prioritize time over money. However, when we do have the ability to choose which resource to prioritize, the data is clear: Valuing time is likely to bring us greater joy both in the moment and in the long term...

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A New Twist on Why Top Athletes Nap So Much

...They’re not necessarily a warning that you’re failing to take care of yourself, or drowning in sleep debt. Sometimes they’re a sign that your mind is at peace, your body is at rest, and you’re lucky enough to have a half-hour to spare in the middle of the afternoon...

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All You Need Are a Few Small Wins Every Day

...Trees that grow tall and live long grow slowly—especially at first—but then grow steadily. They may be underground a long time, and a vulnerable sapling for longer still, but like a good idea or a new habit, once the roots are in, they’re hard to dislodge...

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How to Recover When Your Career Gets Derailed

...There is a big difference between moving on and moving forward. The former means that you’ve slammed the door on the pain and frustration and, therefore, the lessons learned from your setback. That’s impossible and undesirable. Moving forward means you carry the full experience with you, painful loss alongside your hope for the future...

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How to make the healthiest coffee

...What's the healthiest way to make a fresh cup of coffee? A new study examining links between coffee brewing methods and risks of heart attacks and death has concluded that filtered brew is safest...

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