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Books and Articles we believe are important

Talent - Recommended Book Thumbnail

Talent - Recommended Book

...People who have had to endure hardships have a chip on their shoulder and thus a need to prove themselves, and he has found this to be correlated with success...

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When the 80/20 Rule Fails: The Downside of Being Effective

...The process of learning a new skill or starting a new company or taking on a new adventure of any sort will often appear to be an ineffective use of time at first. Compared to the other things you already know how to do, the new thing will seem like a waste of time. It will never win the 80/20 analysis...But that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong decision...

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The Pygmalion Effect: Proving Them Right

...A lot of what we accomplish in life is done in groups. Individual success is often dependent on some degree of team success. Thus, we have a better chance of succeeding when we are around others who succeed. If you want the people around you to have success, you can try raising your expectations...

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